
细胞周期事件的理论解释协调交替时期的exotrophy和endotrophy细胞周期(伊万诺夫,2006)。细胞周期包括exotrophy的阶段,当外部碳源和能源广泛地转化为能源和碳存储(糖原、淀粉、脂类),和endotrophy的阶段,当累积储存的能量和碳利用DNA复制和mytosis。外部能源和碳同化endotrophy时期。之间的交替变化的时期exotrophy和endotrophy执行由于环腺苷酸细胞内浓度的变化,伴随着交替膜电位的指控。环境因素对DNA复制不宜保留endotrophy的细胞阶段。一段exotrophy导致巨大的胞内积累的碳和能源。Exotrophic和内生细胞的生化和生理特性大大,它将是有用的研究这两个不同组的细胞。因此,分布和比例的exotrophic和内生颗粒细胞是一个重要的信息在其状态和结构。例如,exotrophy持续时间(Atex)酵母是线性相关的细胞周期的持续时间(T): Atex = 0.5 T - 1.0。用这个方程,所选择的物种的比生长速率的颗粒(/ x)可以从微观角度决定,考虑到T = ln 2 / ^。 Exotrophic and endotrophic cells can be distinguished after adding a small quantity of co-oxidizing substrate, which is transformed into toxic products of oxidation. For example, allyl or amyl alcohol can be added to cells, which utilize ethanol. As a result, cells will produce allyl or amyl aldehyde, which cannot be further oxidized and, therefore, will kill cells. Exotrophic cells die after this incubation but endotrophic cells remain alive because they do not consume and oxidize external sources of carbon and energy. The share of exotrophic cells increases during starvation and other unfavorable conditions because the phase of DNA synthesis cannot be started until sufficient intracellular quantities of carbon and energy sources are accumulated. However, distribution and percentage of exotrophic and endotrophic microbial cells in the granule, was not studied yet.


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