
寄生是一个重要的生态相互作用可能导致宿主人口规模巨大的变化。正如上面所讨论的,太阳紫外线辐射有可能采取行动直接或间接地在这个过程中,例如通过破坏寄生虫或造成损坏主机和增加对感染的易感性。后者类型的交互,我们的知识限制主要是研究鱼类和两栖动物。太阳紫外线辐射会导致皮肤损伤(晒伤),杯状细胞减少(粘液分泌细胞),并在鱼表皮增生虽然敏感性物种——和发育stage-specific (96、97)。受损的皮肤组织通常时刻表suscep细菌和寄生虫感染。oomycete特别是水霉属,是一种常见的机会性兼性寄生的淡水鱼[96]。水霉属感染的原因失去上皮完整性和组织破坏由于细胞坏死或真皮和表皮损伤(98、99)。感染可能导致从直接紫外线伤害皮肤或抑制免疫系统。在寄生虫水霉属的情况下,减少粘液的分泌似乎是感染的关键,因为它作为主要的物理障碍[100]。然而,紫外线辐射可能对鱼有很强的免疫抑制作用,可能削弱他们的抵抗传染性病原体与损伤的非特异性免疫防御[101]。 Nevertheless, secondary parasitic infections of fish by Saprolegnia after UV-B exposure appear to have been only documented for laboratory studies [102]. On the other hand, results from field observations and experiments have shown that increased UV-B exposure of western toads embryo, Bufo boreas caused by reduction in water depth at oviposition sites is related to higher infection by S.ferax [103,104]. For example, S. /erax-associated mortality (i.e. the proportion of dead to hatching embryos) was higher than 50% at water depths < 20 cm depth but less than 19% in water deeper than 45 cm [104].



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