The Greenhouse Effect On Venus

We are constantly force fed misinformation from the scientific community about a runway greenhouse effect on Venus – due to CO2. This is complete crap.

Temperatures on the dark side of Venus are essentially identical to those on the sunlit side. Night on Venus lasts for thousands of hours, yet the temperature never cools down. Thegreenhouse effect isbased on the idea that sunlight warms the ground surface, gets re-emitted as LW radiation, and gets absorbed by greenhouse gases. Since there is no sunlight at night, we get less greenhouse effect.

So how do we explain the high nighttimetemperatures on Venus通过数千小时的太阳light?

It is the pressure.Convection in the atmosphere causes sinking air to heat, and rising air to cool. The fact that the Venutian atmosphere is 95% CO2 has very little to do with the high temperatures. If Earth’s atmosphere were as thick as Venus’ atmosphere, temperatures would be just about as hot here.

Continue reading here:Properties Of Physics Have Changed Since The 1970s

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