Who Is Bankrolling Time Magazine?

Time Magazine asks :

Who’s Bankrolling the Climate-Change Deniers?

sociologists Riley Dunlap of Oklahoma State University and Aaron McCright of Michigan State University suggest, climate denialism exists in part because there has been a long-term, well-financed effort on the part of conservative groups and corporations to distort global-warming science. That’s the conclusion of a chapter the two researchers recently wrote forThe Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society. “Contrarian scientists, fossil-fuel corporations, conservative think tanks and various front groups have assaulted mainstream climate science and scientists for over two decades,” Dunlap and McCright write. “The blows have been struck by a well-funded, highly complex and relatively coordinated denial machine.”


Being the morons that they are, they are asking thewrong question. The correct question is “who is bankrolling the billions which go to alarmists?”

My total compensation this year for denier activities is $0.00 That comes out to $0.00 per hour. In Australian dollars, it is $0.00 and in pounds it is £0.00.

Meanwhile, Hansen is about to become amillionairefor his alarmist activities. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/10/03/hansen-rakes-it-in/

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