
本书是SCOPE土壤与沉积物生物多样性与生态系统功能委员会(SSBEF)于2002年10月举行的最后一次研讨会的成果。研讨会的资金和这本书的出版是由一个私人的、匿名的美国基金会慷慨提供的,该基金会还支持了许多其他令人兴奋的跨学科SSBEF研讨会。他们支持并致力于增进人们对世界生物多样性重要组成部分的作用的理解,对此我深表感谢。荷兰农业部和环境部也为SCOPE SSBEF早期研讨会提供了资金。

SCOPE土壤和沉积物生物多样性和生态系统功能委员会成立于1996年。指导委员会由Margaret Palmer(美国)组成;T.亨利·布莱克本,丹麦;Fred Grassle,美国;帕特里夏·哈钦斯,澳大利亚;芬兰Timo Kairesalo;Isao Koike,日本;Josef Rusek,捷克共和国;大卫·霍克斯沃斯,西班牙;特别是荷兰的Lijbert Brussaard,在SSBEF合成研讨会和出版物的方向上发挥了重要作用。 Holley Zadeh devoted countless hours to preparation of this book, and her energy, patience, excellent organizational and scientific editing skills strengthened this book, for which I am ever so grateful. Additional thanks go to Véronique Plocq Fichelet, Executive Director, SCOPE, and Susan Greenwood Etienne, SCOPE secretariat; the many reviewers who contributed their time to the quality of this book; to Lily Huddleson for her work on the cover design and many of the figures; and to Laurie Richards, Patti Orth, and Stella Salvo at the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory. Gina Adams added greatly to the success of the SSBEF Committee over the years, by co-authoring proposals, organizing interactive workshops, and editing publications. Hal Mooney and艾伦Covich给了我无限频繁的鼓励,增加了科学的专注力。Wren Wirth激发并促成了对地表下生命知识的真正贡献。向各位朋友和同事表示衷心的感谢!





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