自大约三分之二的世界的传统生产的石油探明储量在波斯湾地区,与石油的国际基础设施,全球供应很容易恐怖袭击如两个已经试图在沙特阿拉伯基地组织,强调在基地组织的原则。一些石油国家的政府今天的(伊朗)有很大的敌意;其他人(沙特阿拉伯)可能会因此改变的统治者。之间的核军备竞赛似乎开始伊朗核项目和六个逊尼派国家已经宣布“发电”。The United States borrows more than a billion dollars a day at today's prices to import oil, substantially weakening the dollar. The Wahhabi sect of Saudi Arabia profits massively from oil income and, according to Lawrence Wright in The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11, covers "90 percent of the expenses of the entire faith, overriding other traditions of Islam."26 Wahhabi teachings are murderous with respect to Shi'ite Muslims, Jews, homosexuals, and apostates; are hideously repressive of women; and are mirrored by the views of al Qaeda and similar groups except with respect to their allegiance to the Saudi state. And finally, as Bernard Lewis puts it, "There should be no taxation without representation but it should also be noted that there is no representation without taxation." Extremely wealthy oil-exporting states are thus often dictatorships and autocratic kingdoms without institutions that check and balance the ruler.
很少在2008年已经完成实施安理会的十七个详细建议为了解决这一问题,特别是关于改善的安全,甚至储备备件,大型变压器在电网变电站或有效地保护电网的监控和数据采集(SCADA)控制系统从破坏性的攻击。另外,电网的电磁脉冲(EMP)主要弱点。1962年,苏联和美国大气核试验透露了一个令人不安的现象:三种类型的电磁脉冲生成在高空核爆可能会严重损害或破坏电子和电气系统高达1610公里(1000英里)。美国电磁脉冲委员会2004年的报告指出,爆炸一个核弹头40到400公里(25和250英里)高于地球可能导致“前所未有的级联故障我们的主要基础设施,主要是“通过我们的电力基础设施”严重“电信…金融体系……意味着得到食物,水,和医疗的公民…贸易…和生产的商品和服务。”The commission noted that states such as North Korea and Iran, possibly working through terrorist groups, might not be deterred from attack (say using a relatively small ship carrying a simple SCUD missile) in the same way as were our adversaries in the cold war.28
委员会得出结论,引爆一个核弹头在这些高度”包含和降低至少70%的国家的电力服务,所有在一个瞬间。”It also notes that, as a result of fire safety and environmental concerns, locally stored fuel for emergency power supplies such as diesel for generators is often limited to about a seventy-two hours' supply.29 Food available in supermarkets generally supplies about one to three days of requirements for customers, and regional food warehouses usually stock enough for a multicounty area to last about one month.30