


根据加尔维斯顿市的特殊情况,阻碍院外地面运输后送的一个因素是通往加尔维斯顿县的2英里长的堤道。救护车只有在风速时速低于40英里。这样的风速可能早在飓风登陆前12小时就出现。因此,规划工作需要确保疏散不迟于12小时这个时间点完成。此时间为2008年9月12日(星期五)中午12时。UTMB的疏散计划设想了此类风暴潮事件,并开始倒计时120小时(5天),从H-120小时开始的“倒计时钟”跟踪重大事件与热带风暴强风到达之前剩余的时间。飓风到达前120至73小时的阶段估计有一个正常的医院值班名册,在事件指挥官的领导下,紧急行动中心每天召开两次会议。必须在抵达前72小时作出撤离的最后决定,以便在这一时间点之前要求有足够数量的撤离资产和适当的工作人员和设备。同时,停止了选择性入院和将病人转到UTMB医院。本地抵港病人只在急诊科接受日间或稳定治疗,然后出院或转往其他医院。2008年9月11日星期四,469名病人被疏散,在估计持续40英里每小时的大风(H-0)到来之前的36到24小时内。 All mobile patients and those without need for monitoring were discharged directly and picked up by family members. Eighty-two patients were transported by coach. One hundred, forty-three (143) ambulances were sent to Galveston from a staging area in San Antonio, Texas, some 225 miles away. Forty-eight patients were transferred by ambulance to the nearest airports. Following these shuttle-transports all available 143 ambulances transported patients to the above mentioned hospitals. An additional 23 patients would be picked up by helicopters, directly from the landing deck of the UTMB Emergency Room. One hundred and two correctional patients were transferred from the hospital operated jointly by UTMB and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. The patient evacuation was completed within approximately 11 hours with the last patient arriving in Austin just before midnight Thursday night. UTMB had released students on Wednesday, and non-essential personnel on Thursday, as well as essential personnel who were not required to ride-out the storm as evacuations were completed. The UTMB Emergency Operations Center was fully activated on Thursday morning to support the patient evacuation and finalize planning for the hurricane. Contact was established with the State Operations Center/Department of State Health Services Liaison, to keep them apprised of UTMB's status, and with the Regional Catastrophic Medical Operations Center operating at the City of Houston Emergency Operations Center. Tropical storm force winds were recorded beginning in the early evening hours of Friday, and sustained winds of 70+ miles per hour by 22:00. Storm surge and wind driven rain resulted in flooding of lower located areas of the campus by 17:00 and flooding was reported in the McCullough Building basement. Power outages and transfers to generators were reported sporadically beginning at 19:00. Water was first noticed in the lobby of John Sealy Tower by 23:00, and the first floor was cordoned off at the stairwells. At 21:45 John Sealy Annex transferred to generator power and at 23:00 the command center was relocated to the 5th floor of John Sealy Tower. At this time the tower had lost primary power and was being supported by emergency generators. By 01:45, shortly before the eye of the hurricane was over land, water was reported to be over two feet deep in the tower lobby. By 09:30 on Saturday morning the winds had diminished, and water had begun to recede. At this time a roster check revealed all personnel were accounted for and safe.





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  • Mateusz
  • 在飓风艾克期间,许多人乘坐汽车或政府提供的交通工具撤离。那些有办法离开该地区的人在接到他们自己的判断或地方当局命令的建议后立即离开。红十字会等非政府组织为有需要的人提供交通工具。其他人则使用自己的船只撤离,要么在附近的避难所避难,要么疏散到其他城镇。
    • maciej
    • 是的,加尔维斯顿市已经发布了强制疏散令,因为飓风劳拉正在逼近。所有居民和游客应立即撤离,并听从当地官员的指示。