Further Reading Jlk

Ciruna KA, Meyerson LA, and Gutierrez A (2004) The Ecological and Socio-Economic Impacts of Invasive Alien Species on InlandWater Ecosystems. Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity on behalf of the Global Invasive Species Programme, Washington, D.C., 34 pp. COM (2006) 398. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Environmental Quality Standards in the Field of Water Policy and Amending Directive 2000/60/EC, 17.7.2006, 25 pp. Brussels: Commission of the European Communities.

Eisenreich SJ (ed.) (2005) Climate Change and the European Water Dimension. A Report to the European Water Directors, EU Report No. 21553. Ispara, Italy: European Commission - DG Joint Research Centre. Available athttp://ies.jrc.eu.int.

Gibson GR, Carlson J, Simpson E, et al. (2000) Nutrient Criteria Technical Guidance Manual:Lakes and Reservoirs. Washington, DC: US EPA.

Haertel-Borer SS, Zak D, Eckmann R, et al. (2005) Population Density of the Crayfish, Orconectes limosus, in Relation to Fish and Macroinvertebrate Densities in a Small Mesotrophic Lake - Implications for the Lake's Food Web. International Review of Hydrobiology 90(5-6): 523-533.

Henriksen A, Posch M, Hultberg H, et al. (1995) Critical loads of acidity for surface waters - Can the ANC-limit be considered variable? Water Air Soil Pollution 85: 2419-2424.

Jenkins A, Camarero L, Cosby BJ, et al. (2003) A modelling assessment of acidification and recovery of European surface waters. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 7: 447-455.

Kling G, Hayhoe K, Johnson LB, et al. (2003) Confronting climate change in theGreat Lakes region: Impacts on our communities and ecosystems. Union of Concerned Scientists/The Ecological Society of America. Cambridge, MA. Available at. ucsusa.org/ greatlakes.

Kuylenstierna JCI, Rodhe H, Cinderby S, etal. (2001) Acidification in developing countries: Ecosystem sensitivity and the critical load approach on a global scale. AMBIO 30: 20-28.

Nilsson J and Grennfelt P (eds.) (1988) Critical loads for sulphur and nitrogen. Report from a workshop held at Skokloster (NORD 1988:15), Sweden 19-24 March, 1988. Copenhagen, Denmark: Nordic Council of Ministers.

Poff NL, Brinson MM, and Day JW Jr. (2002) Aquatic ecosystems and global climate change: Potential impacts on inland freshwater and coastal wetland ecosystems in the United States. Arlington, VA:Pew Centeron Global Climate Change.

Rowan J and Soutar I (2005) Development of Decision Making Frameworks for Managing Alterations to the Morphology of Lakes. Edinburgh: Sniffer.www.sniffer.org.uk.

Rowan JS, Duck RW, Carwardine J, et al. (2004) Development of a Technique for Lake Habitat Survey (LHS): Phase 1. Edinburgh: Sniffer.www.sniffer.org.uk.

Skei J,拉尔森P,罗森博格R,琼森P,奥尔森M, and Broman D (2000) Eutrophication and contaminants in aquatic ecosystems. AMBIO 29: 184-194.

US EPA (1998) Lake and Reservoir Bioassessment and Biocriteria. Washington DC: US Environmental Protection Agency.

US EPA (1998) National Strategy for the Development ofRegional Nutrient Criteria. Washington DC: US Environmental Protection Agency.

Vollenweider RA (1976) Advances in defining critical loading levels for phosphorus inlake eutrophication. Memorie dell'Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia 33: 53-83.

Wiederholm T (1989) Bedomningsgrunder for sjoar och vatten-drag. Bakgrundsdokument 1. Naringsamnen, syre, ljus, forsurn-ing. Naturvaralsverket Rappost 3627.

Continue reading here:Similarities and Differences among Shallow Lakes Deep Lakes and Reservoirs

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