


具体排放被定义为人类活动的排放单位,如人均排放数量的煤炭生产,或排放单位生产的肉或奶。排放计算的一般公式:体积的活动X单位活动排放减排单位排放。计算总成本目标年排放量减少的基线相比发展没有削减措施。一般来说,活动指示器是一个物理测量相关的人类活动的经济价值。例子的数量ios版雷竞技官网入口 生产,牲畜群的大小或肉类和牛奶的产量,或产生的垃圾数量。活动指标的选择并不明确:有时候一个简单的指标必须选择由于缺乏统计数据。这里,只有提高效率。这些常常被描述为技术选择;然而,这并不总是意味着技术应用。也好管家可以被视为一种效率改善(Harmelink等,2005)。










平衡成本估算是基于实际项目中CH4排放减少技术措施。这些估计考虑项目的所有成本,包括投资、运行和维护、劳动力和资本折旧。重要的是,成本估算国家和地区之间具有可比性,所以方法研究小组之间应具有可比性。雷竞技手机版app有不同的方法来估计的成本治理措施。边际减排成本曲线估计加拉赫et al(2005),随着时间的减少成本考虑。在这里选择一个静态方法,首先通过勃洛克和de Jager(1994),并应用在荷兰Harmelink et al (2005)。这个“能量模型论坛21”(EMF21)也应用静态边际减排曲线的客座率为全球温室气体减排(Delhotal等,2005)。EMF21研究中使用的数据是国家或区域边际减排成本曲线基于国家或区域特定劳动率、能源系统基础设施和最新的排放数据。一个静态的分析有一定的局限性。首先,静态方法来减轻成本评估不占技术变化随着时间的推移,这将降低减排成本,提高效率的减排方案。 Second, the static EMF21 approach used only limited regional data. Difficulties arise with the cost estimates when multipurpose projects are developed. Then it is difficult to attribute the investment costs to CH4 reduction because the investment was done also for other purposes. For example, wastewater and sewage treatment plants are developed to improve the health and living conditions of the people. Anaerobic digesters can be flared or the CH4 used for cogeneration to reduce CH4 emissions from biomass or liquid effluents with high organic content. Because most centralized systems automatically either flare or capture and use CH4 for safety reasons, add-on abatement technology for existing wastewater treatment plants does not exist. As a result, potential emission reductions depend on large-scale structural changes in wastewater management. For this reason the cost of CH4 reduction in sewage treatment is difficult to estimate. Overriding economic and social factors influence wastewater treatment practices throughout the world. The benefits of installing wastewater systems in developing countries for the purpose of disease reduction greatly outweigh potential benefits associated with CH4 reduction. It would be misleading to imply that carbon taxes would be the driving背后的力量投资决策影响CH4排放的废水。所以成本估算必须谨慎对待。

这里描述的方法勃洛克和de Jager(1994)为特定的成本。在这种方法的成本每吨减少甲烷(每个分部门或其他温室气体)是用以下公式计算:

中:Cspec =具体减排成本(在1990美元每吨避免CH4);=年金因素取决于利息(或折扣)率r和折旧周期n;= r / (1 - (1 + r) - n);我=(额外的)所需的初始投资美元的措施;一个。I =美元每年的年度资本成本;OM =(额外)年度与测量相关的操作和维护成本美元每年;B =福利与测量相关的美元每年(例如避免能源成本);呃=减排相关措施每年吨的甲烷。另外:

常数表达的措施成本1990美元每吨的甲烷减排。具体的成本可以是负相关的福利措施是否足够大。因此钱可以获得通过实现有益的措施。这种方式的成本计算是生命周期成本,即总成本考虑所需的设备的技术寿命的措施。因此,折旧期间采取等于设备的技术寿命。价格是市场价格。实际利率,即市场利率纠正通货膨胀。这种兴趣一般是3到6%。负净减排成本的总和称为经济潜力。具体费用可以用作选择标准的措施选择在一个特定的场景中。 Total costs calculated for a selected set of measures give a first approximation of the national economic costs of the measures on the gross national product (assuming perfect competition). However the discount rate r that should be chosen is still a matter of discussion, and might be higher than the real interest rate. In public policy decision-making the social discount rate is sometimes chosen higher (at 10 per cent) because it should reflect the rate of return that could be realized through private spending on consumption and investment, assuming the same level of risk (Callan and Thomas, 2000). Also the technical lifetime as the period of depreciation might be too long. In reality measures are taken if payback times are five years or even shorter. However, the method by Blok and de Jager (1994) is adopted here because it is widely accepted.



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