Nitrogenous Compounds

Because of the many oxidation states of nitrogen, many nitrogenous compounds enter活性污泥工艺in domestic wastewater. The diversity of compounds may vary greatly depending on the industrial discharges that contain nitrogenous waste. Examples of nitrogenous compounds that are found in industrial wastewater include analine, chelating agents, corrosion inhibitors,dairy waste, and slaughterhouse waste.

Analine is used in the manufacturing of dyes, photographic chemicals, and drugs. Some chelating agents are organic-nitrogen compounds that are used to hold metals such as copper and iron in solution. Nitrites are used in corrosion inhibitors in industrial process water. Dairy waste contains nitrogen-containing proteins, including casein, and many proteins are present in the meat and blood from slaughterhouse waste.

Domesticwastewater containsorganic-nitrogen compounds andammonium ions。氮在国内废水来源于protein metabolism in the human body. In fresh domestic wastewater, approximately 60% of the nitrogen is in the organic form, such as pro-teinaceous wastes, and 40% of the nitrogen is in the inorganic form, such as ammonium ions. Organic compounds such as amino acids, proteins, and urea are the principle organic-nitrogen compounds in domestic wastewater, while ammonium ions are the principleinorganic compoundin domestic wastewater.

H H NH2 cysteine

Figure 3.1 Structure of an amino acid. Regardless of the structure or size of an amino acid, all amino acids contain a carboxyl group (-COOH) and an amino group (-NH2). In an amino acid such as cyteine, an amino group can be found on the carbon (C) that is bonded to the carboxyl group.

Unless discharged by specific industries,nitrite ionsandnitrate ionsare not found in municipal sewer systems. Conditions within the sewer systems are not favorable for the oxidation of ammonium ions or nitrite ions; that is, nitrification does not occur.

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Readers' Questions

  • alexandra
    What are nitrogenous wastes?
    23 days ago
  • Nitrogenous wastes are organic compounds containing nitrogen that are produced as byproducts of metabolism in living organisms. Examples of nitrogenous wastes include ammonia, urea, uric acid, and creatinine. These compounds are typically excreted by the kidneys in urine or by the lungs in the form of water vapor.
    • enrica
      How to avoid using nitrogenous compounds?
      1 month ago
      1. Use an alternative type of fertilization, such as composting.
      2. Instead of chemically fertilizing, use organic methods such as crop rotation and cover crops to restore lost nutrients to the soil.
      3. Try to reduce the amount of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides used in your garden or yard.
      4. Use slow-release fertilizers to reduce the risk of runoff and leaching of nitrogen into the environment.
      5. Invest in soil testing to better understand the needs of your soil and avoid applying unnecessary nitrogen.
      6. Choose drought-tolerant plants to reduce the need for supplemental nitrogen.
      7. Utilize natural predators, like ladybugs and other insect-eating birds, to increase the diversity of beneficial insects in your garden.
      8. Subsoil or aerate your soil to increase oxygen and water availability to the roots.
      9. Mulch an area around your plants to reduce evaporation and the need for frequent watering.
      • J
        What is nitrogenous compound?
        4 months ago
      • A nitrogenous compound is any compound containing a nitrogen atom, such as proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids. These compounds are integral components of living organisms and are essential for their functioning and growth.