的一些性质和有效性Nitrogenfixing Rhizobacteria隔绝水稻根系

新墨西哥州V.K. Chebotar1、ug Kang2 Park2, Makarova1,助教Popova1, Akao3

1全俄农业微生物学研究所,Shosse Podbelskogo 3,圣彼得堡——普希金8,196609年,俄罗斯

2国家Yeongnam农业试验站,邮政信箱,韩国Milyang 627 - 130


担心可能的健康和环境使用越来越多的矿产的后果化肥和化学杀虫剂导致强烈的兴趣替代策略,确保竞争作物产量和保护。这个新的耕作方法,通常称为可持续农业,旨在介绍农业实践,对环境更友好,维持土壤生态系统的长期生态平衡。我们研究的主要目标是孤立株高根殖民活动具有有益的属性:生物固氮作用、生物电控制活动和促进植物生长。孤立的一个原始方法rhizobacteria栖居于水稻的根生长在韩国和俄罗斯一直使用。中分离出256株8有前途的株高根殖民活动具有有益的属性(生物固氮、生物电控制活动和促进植物生长)。这些菌株显示高能动性和酶活性与其他测试隔离。乙炔还原活性在纯文化活动显示测试菌株表现出高于参考应变Herbaspirillum seropedicae BR11175 24和48小时后的孵化。雷竞技csgo有前途的隔离很强的植物生长刺激所显示的两种方法。有趣的是要注意,在细胞悬液1:1稀释抑制玉米幼苗根生长的观察而稀释1:50显示显著的刺激。测试菌株产生促进生长物质所显示的高效液相色谱分析(数据未显示)。KR076和KR083菌株,但不是Herbaspirillum seropedicae显示很高的生物电控制活动对主要植物病原体镰刀菌素culmorum,腐皮镰刀菌、腐霉属spp, Phytophtora capsici,辣椒在板测试。殖民的植物根系土传或引入细菌是一个非常重要的步骤建立有效的plant-bacteria交互。 Success in introduction of beneficial bacteria to the plant seeds or seedlings usually depends on the colonization potential of introduced strains. We studied colonization of rice roots cv. Keumobyeo by promising isolates in competition with reference gus-marked strain Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS365 known as active root colonizer. Some tested strains demonstrated high colonization ability. Pot experiments with promising isolates showed that only strain KR181 has increased yield of rice by 26.5% comparing with uninoculated control. The effect of this strain on number of panicles per hill, chlorophyll content and rice yield was the same as in variant with NPK 100%. Other tested strains did not show any positive effect on growth parameters of rice even though they demonstrated some beneficial properties. However the pot experiments with lettuce and radish have shown high efficiency of KR076 and KR083 strains. Seed inoculation of barley and sorghum in field tests with strain KR076 has been increased yield by 11% and 99% respectively. So, it is not clear what mode of action is responsible for success of inoculation and further pot and field experiments with rice and other crops should be done.



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