

关于这一点,我们应该提到花园显然是植物学地定义为一个包含树。如上所述,花园里可以视为寓言——不仅仅是第一对人类的位置,但作为一个实际的栖息地。然而,在这个寓言,重点是树木,代表环境,尽管这一事实,从表面上看,一个可以被其他的自然现象。对于我们的目的来说,至关重要的诗句,“耶和华神朝东,立了一个园子在伊甸;而且他把所造的人。耶和华神造成的每棵树生长的景象,有利于食品”(出埃及记二8 - 9)。考虑:“耶和华上帝种植”强调上帝的行动,自然。上帝创造了一个自然环境。然而,所选的动词,特别指种植树木。“他把人”:自然、神了,这是一个栖息地。 "The LORD God caused to grow" is an additional emphasis on the natural disposition. "Every tree" once again emphasizes trees. Why is it so important to highlight as a protagonist in the Garden of Eden parable? It seems that there is a cultural



在保护方面,这是一个基本的问题,不仅申请基本hazards7;它还包括保护物种的想法。人生活在花园里和维护;因此,必然地,man-the-guard也可以利用自然生产的衣服从无花果树的叶子:“便拿无花果树的叶子在一起并使自己腰覆盖物”(创世纪III 7) -,无花果树本身而不是伤害。这是比例的使用按照需要和不再;这有点让人想起前面提到的谷仓,是维持生命所必需的。此外,由于主题是树木,人们必须推测不仅必须保存特定的树,但复杂的全部;即。保护特定的物种和避免环境的形成,会伤害它。欲望的人考虑花园作为一个符号可以识别警告伤害植物,这是生活的基础; since the garden is not related to the local community, but rather represents the global environment, what may harm it is a change in atmospheric conditions or other global conditions. Each plant requires specific conditions that are related to specific atmospheric and ground characteristics; any change in these may harm specific plants no less than direct activities, such as uprooting or fires.8 The simple conclusion is that maintaining the Garden is equal to maintaining global conditions on all their elements and types.

6参见Rozenson (2002 b)。

7伊本以斯拉是经常引用:“保护——对所有动物和阻止他们进入污染。”The idea is an attractive one of battling pollution and aspiring to aesthetics, but the separation between plants and animals is not consistent with profound environmental notions.

8虽然我们这里讨论的创世纪,以西结书,当然其他早期文化识别雪松作为核心元素伊甸园:“香柏树在上帝的花园不匹配;松树不可能与它的树枝,和飞机树无法匹配其分支。没有树在上帝的花园可以与它的美。”(Ezekiel XXXI 8) It is noteworthy that the Cedar's sensitivity to climatic changes, a tree that is primarily endemic to the Lebanese mountains, is widely resonant throughout our sources.

但最基本的一点,我们的思想,是花园的命运;毕竟,花园里不再作为一个具体的环境。在这一点上,必须采取一种不同的解释步骤。放逐是表面上规定,因为生命之树:“现在,他伸手,也需要从生命之树,和吃,和永生;因此,耶和华神便打发他出伊甸园,培养他的地面。于是把他赶出去;在伊甸园的东边。他驻扎基路伯和燃烧的剑方向保护生命之树”(创世纪三世22 - 24)。psychologistic解释将这作为需要成熟的象征,意思明白,死亡不能殴打,和上帝不能被迫提供永生;根据人类生活必须计划包含的意义。 For our purpose, however, it is noteworthy that, not only man's access to that specific tree has been blocked, but also his admission to the entire complex. The Garden is inaccessible; a strip of land is withheld from mankind; he cannot cultivate it because he has been directed toward another - the soil. The situation is reversed: God guards this piece of land from man. There is a portion that is inaccessible to us because God, who created the world, is not only concerned with man's welfare; the world exists independently. Apparently, the fear that is expressed here is of man, who in his pursuit of the Tree of Life will destroy anything, including God's Garden. Indeed, the Garden has a double meaning: on the one hand, it was dedicated to human life, and on the other hand, it is inaccessible. He who reads the story in a superficial manner may settle this contradiction within the context of time - first the Garden was accessible, then it was not. Even those who read it as an allegory may do this, though in a different manner: the Garden was expropriated from man, who resided within, for the sake of the Garden's protection. This is not the literal meaning; but an idea seems to be presented, that the desire for the Tree of Life involves pride and a broadened heart, which are - after all - the motivating背后的力量男人的持续破坏神的地球,不仅他的生命之树。人,他渴望永生,上帝不是一个危险,而是他的世界。


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  • 伊内斯
  • 伊甸园的亚当和夏娃的第一个家,据《圣经》。这是一尘的地方他们可以生活在和谐与上帝和创造。这是一个完美的地方有丰富的食物,美丽的植物和动物,没有疼痛或痛苦。
    • 泰勒
    • 在大多数犹太基督教神话,伊甸园是把守一把燃着火焰的宝剑,基路伯,它被描述为天上的神的仆人。
      • 树在伊甸园是什么?
      • 《圣经》没有提及具体的树在伊甸园中,但被认为包含许多不同的树,包括生命之树和分辨善恶的知识树。其他树木在伊甸园认为包括石榴树,无花果树,橡树,柏树树,柳树。